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source: | post time:2010-01-20

Roar of a steam locomotive once shook the Earth to haul modern society. Now the world's pulse solemnly beats with a semiconductor.

As an invisible infrastructure, Hynix Semiconductor Inc. works hard to create more comfortable and pleasant living conditions for people.

Hynix Semiconductor is on a solid footing in the memory semiconductor industry including DRAM and NAND Flash and now growing into the total semiconductor device provider by diversifying the product portfolio to CIS business.

Year after year, with outstanding technological expertise and continuous investment on research, Hynix is pioneering in the new field of semiconductor technology.

Moreover, with untiring spirit of a pioneer, Hynix has claimed to be the leading company in various countries including China, the largest semiconductor market in the world and it is strengthening its position.

Like an engine in a car, Hynix not only stands in the core of accelerating national economy but also strives to run the business in mutual development between the company and social communities. Hynix Semiconductor Inc. tries the best to be the leading company in the world that guarantees to satisfy all people especially, consumers and the stockholders.


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