Our Integrated Circuits, the EDExx™ family, are "building block" IC's for embedded microcontroller developers. From the EDE1144 and EDE1188 Keypad Encoders to the EDE707 Seven-Segment LED Display Driver to our ever-popular EDE702 Serial LCD Interface IC, we're sure to have a drop-in solution to your embedded microcontroller design needs.
Parts are available in several categories including stepper motor control, keypad interface, pushbutton interface, and LCD control. Each of our IC's are designed to operate seamlessly with nearly every microcontroller available on the market. Parts are available in two packages, DIP (par number ending /P) and SOIC surface mount (part number ending /SO).
Use the options under the 'Semiconductor' link to review product capabilities, download datasheets, order parts online, or request technical assistance.