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Infineon Address:Home > FP50R07N2E4

Part No.: FP50R07N2E4 no FP50R07N2E4 's picture
MFG: Infineon
D/C: 14+
QTY: 50
Packaging: 模块
Note: 英飞凌IGBT模块
download FP50R07N2E4's pdf

    the relation stock of FP50R07N2E4
Part No. MFG D/C QTY Packaging Package Note PDF WORD
FP50R12KT4G_B15 Infineon 14+ 80 模块 英飞凌IGBT模块
FP50R07N2E4_B11 Infineon 14+ 80 模块 英飞凌IGBT模块
FP50R07N2E4 Infineon 14+ 50 模块 英飞凌IGBT模块
FP50R12KT4 infineon 2012+ 179 模块 代理供应 全新原装
FP50R12KT3 Infineon 10+ 179 IGBT 模块 IGBT 模块
FP50R06KE3 Infineon 10+ 285 IGBT 模块 IGBT 模块
FP50R06KE3G Infineon 10+ 285 IGBT 模块 IGBT 模块
FP50R12KE3 Infineon 10+ 285 IGBT 模块 IGBT 模块
FP50R12KE3REENG Infineon 10+ 174 IGBT 模块 IGBT 模块
FP50R12KS4C Infineon 10+ 178 IGBT 模块 IGBT 模块
FP50R12KS4C Infineon 10+ 454 IGBT 模块 IGBT 模块
FP50R12KT3 Infineon 10+ 444 IGBT 模块 IGBT 模块
FP50R06KE3 Infineon 10+ 287 IGBT 模块 IGBT 模块
FP50R06KE3G Infineon 10+ 200 IGBT 模块 IGBT 模块
FP50R12KE3 Infineon 10+ 600 IGBT 模块 IGBT 模块
FP50R06KE3 EUPEC 10+ 287 IGBT 模块 IGBT 模块

    the relation picture ofFP50R07N2E4
FP50R12KE3 FP50R12KE3 FP50R12KE3 FP50R12KE3 FP50R12KE3 FP50R12KE3 FP50R12KE3 FP50R12KE3 FP50R12KE3 FP50R12KE3
FP50R12KE3 FP50R12KE3 FP50R12KE3 FP50R12KE3 FP50R12KE3 FP50R12KE3 FP50R12KE3 FP50R12KE3 FP50R12KE3 FP50R12KE3

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IGBT模块IGBT 三菱IGBT英飞凌IGBT模块Infineon英飞凌SEMIKRONSanRex西门康整流桥三社可控硅